The toxicity of Tech Twitter MONEY posts
You gonna hate me for it - sorry 😞
Don't get me wrong
I've joined Twitter quite recently, about 6 months ago and I LOVE this platform. I love the so-called Tech Twitter part of it and its community. By saying this I really mean it. People are awesome, very supportive, and have helped me a lot. But there's always BUT in something nice and beautiful like this community. So let's talk about this BUT.
If you are just starting learning to code, know, I admire you and your will.
I, myself, was learning to code and still learning it. I am a self-taught developer. I've spent, not gonna lie, about a year to learn it and I'm not even 1/100 of what I would like to be. And even though I was influenced by this I want to warn you about Tech Twitter and its clout chasing posts and especially the money posts.
Disclaimer. It doesn't, or at least not 100%, relates to people living in the US (we all know US salary markets)
Let me show you a few examples:
And you will find thousands of posts like this. So here you are. You see these posts. These profiles are 5-6-10-30 thousand followers and so you think: "Hey, these people know what they are talking about!". So you sweat your ass off to get to the dream job. You work hard, study hard, build projects and then face the reality.
You don't have to trust me and don't trust them either, but let's have a look at something like statistics, cause they operate statistics, right?
I'll use the statistics based on 4 different regions: the European Union, Eastern Europe, India, and in contrast United States of America.
In particular, we will look at the positions mentioned above: FullStack Web Developer and FullStack Web3 Developer. As a source of information, I'll pick different resources for an average salary. Please keep in mind, we are talking about average.
Let's have a look at European Union and pick something average like Germany - not being the highest paying and not the lowest paying country.
Hm....doesn't look like 75$k at all, especially for a fresher. But what about Easter Europe and India? I doubt it's gonna be better 🥲
344K INR is about 4.5$K per year!
And final part, the United States of America
I bet you see the difference. By the way, all salaries are gross, so before tax, you need to keep that in mind too.
What about Web3 developers tho?
Since it's still quite a new niche and not many jobs are available, there are some resources with average salaries that exist. Taking a quick glance and boom lies again...🤨
Bro WTF, so what to do then?!
First of all, I asked you to pay attention that these salaries are average. There's a funny joke about average.
“One person is cooling in the morgue, the other is running a high fever. The average temperature in the hospital is 36.6 C though”
That is both bad news and good news for us. While numbers are not that great, they are still very decent, especially since remote working without borders is constantly increasing. It's all up to you, what skills you have and what set of talent you possess and will acquire in the future. The most important part is that being average is still paid well.
Continue working on yourself and seek opportunities and you will reach the top of salary margin and hopefully beyond.
Personal advice
Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info. Check info.
Like, really, check info!
Don't stop learning
You can nail it and we both know it. You can learn to code with 0$ expenses. You can get the job you want. You can get a very high-paying job. But it all depends on you and your willingness to learn. Never stop learning, it's your bread and butter and your path to the best life you deserve. Stop looking at these awful roadmaps and believe everything people say on Twitter, especially regarding money.
You want a roadmap?
Here, please take it. It's amazing.
This is all you need. They are great and detailed. This is what I've been using and this is what I suggest to you. Get your rose glasses away and face reality. Go for it, fight for it and nail it.
If you ever need help or just wanna chat, find me on Twitter